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SGID cadastre category

Utah Parcels

Last update · June 2024 - Beaver, Emery, Morgan, Utah, Washington

Category: Cadastre Data Type: Polygon GIS data Stewards: UGRC & Local government

The SGID contains parcel boundaries for each of the 29 counties in Utah and is updated as new data is provided from the data steward in each county. Some counties are more complete than others. The SGID also contains parcel boundaries with additional Land Information Records (LIR) with county tax roll attributes for most counties.


While addresses are provided with the parcel boundaries the authoritative dataset for addresses from UGRC is the address points , opens in a new tab .

Use the data


Last update · June 2024

Last update · 2023

Box Elder

Last update · October 2023

Last update · 2020


Last update · September 2023

Last update · 2022


Last update · February 2024

Last update · 2023


Last update · June 2021

Last update · 2021


Last update · May 2024

Last update · 2023

County parcel app: Davis , opens in a new tab


Last update · March 2019

Last update · 2023


Last update · June 2024

Last update · 2023


Last update · March 2024

Last update · 2023


Last update · April 2024

Last update · 2023

County parcel app: Grand , opens in a new tab


Last update · March 2024

Last update · 2023

County parcel app: Iron , opens in a new tab


Last update · May 2023

Last update · 2023

County parcel app: Juab , opens in a new tab


Last update · February 2024

Last update · 2022

County parcel app: Kane , opens in a new tab


Last update · May 2024

Last update · 2023


Last update · June 2024

Last update · 2023


Last update · April 2024

Last update · 2023

County parcel app: Piute , opens in a new tab


Last update · December 2021

Last update · 2020

Salt Lake

Last update · May 2024

Last update · 2023

San Juan

Last update · May 2014

Last update · 2023


Last update · October 2015

Last update · 2017


Last update · April 2024

Last update · 2018


Last update · July 2023

Last update · 2022


Last update · May 2024

Last update · 2023


Last update · March 2022


Last update · June 2024

Last update · 2023

County parcel app: Utah , opens in a new tab


Last update · April 2024

Last update · 2022


Last update · June 2024

Last update · 2023


Last update · July 2010

Last update · 2018


Last update · May 2024

Last update · 2023

County parcel app: Weber , opens in a new tab

A closer look

In 2005, HB113 was passed requiring the UGRC Cadastral Surveyor to work with local government to create a parcel database for the State.

Utah Geospatial Resource Center


Coordinate with county recorders and surveyors to create a statewide parcel layer in the State Geographic Information Database containing parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information

Basic Parcel Attributes

Parcel polygons contain attributes unique to each parcel such as a unique parcel number (PARCEL_ID), address for the parcel (PARCEL_ADD, PARCEL_CITY, PARCEL_ZIP), update information (ParcelsCur, ParcelsRec, ParcelsPub, ParcelYear, ParcelNotes), a generalized land ownership designation (OWN_TYPE), and the phone number for the county recorders office (RECORDER).


The owner type field OWN_TYPE in the Basic Parcels is a generalized ownership type (Federal, Private, State, Tribal) and is populated with the value of the OWNER field where the parcel's centroid intersects the Land Ownership.

LIR Parcel Attributes

In addition to the polygon geometry the attributes COUNTY_NAME, COUNTY_ID, ASSESSOR_SRC, BOUNDARY_SRC, DISCLAIMER, CURRENT_ASOF, PARCEL_ID, SERIAL_NUM, PARCEL_ADD, PARCEL_CITY, TAXEXEMPT_TYPE, TAX_DISTRICT, TOTAL_MKT_VALUE, LAND_MKT_VALUE, PARCEL_ACRES, PROP_CLASS, PRIMARY_RES, HOUSE_CNT, SUBDIV_NAME, BLDG_SQFT, BLDG_SQFT_INFO, FLOORS_CNT, FLOORS_INFO, BUILT_YR, EFFBUILT_YR, CONST_MATERIAL are maintained in the Land Information Record Parcels dataset when available. Since each county has its own database and process for maintaining tax year assessment information, users should expect some variability in each County's LIR dataset.

The Land Information Records (LIR) work group organized by the Governor's Office of Management and Budget has facilitated a voluntary sharing of tax roll parcel data from County Assessors to support public safety, economic development, transportation, planning and the provisions of public services. In May of 2016, the Land Information Records work group released its Land Use Information Records Recommendations , opens in a new tab .


We aim to update the basic parcels for Davis, Salt Lake, Utah, Washington, and Weber, also known as the Big 5, every month. The rest of the rural counties are on a rotating schedule ranging from quarterly to annually.

LIR parcels are updated annually with county year end tax roll information when provided.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to:

Rick Kelson
Update history (basic parcels)
  • June 2024 - Beaver, Emery, Morgan, Utah, Washington
  • May 2024 - Davis, Millard, Salt Lake, Tooele, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • April 2024 - Grand, Piute, Salt Lake, Sevier, Utah, Wasatch, Washington
  • March 2024 - Garfield, Iron, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • February 2024 - Carbon, Davis, Kane, Tooele, Utah, Wasatch, Washington, Weber
  • January 2024 - Davis, Grand, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • December 2023 - Davis, Morgan, Salt Lake, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • November 2023 - Davis, Grand, Kane, Salt Lake, Sevier, Tooele, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • October 2023 - Box Elder, Carbon, Davis, Utah, Washington
  • September 2023 - Davis, Cache, Iron, Kane, Salt Lake, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • August 2023 - Davis, Salt Lake, Tooele, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • July 2023 - Box Elder, Davis, Summit, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • June 2023 - Beaver, Davis, Emery, Kane, Salt Lake, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • May 2023 - Cache, Davis, Juab, Kane, Morgan, Salt Lake, Tooele, Utah, Wasatch, Washington, Weber
  • April 2023 - Carbon, Davis, Piute, Salt Lake, Utah, Washington
  • March 2023 - Box Elder, Davis, Iron, Kane, Utah, Washington
  • February 2023 - Cache, Davis, Tooele, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • January 2023 - Carbon, Davis, Kane, Utah, Wasatch, Washington, Weber
  • December 2022 - Davis, Grand, Morgan, Salt Lake, Tooele, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • November 2022 - Davis, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • October 2022 - Carbon, Davis, Garfield, Iron, Salt Lake, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • September 2022 - Box Elder, Davis, Kane, Morgan, Salt Lake, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • August 2022 - Cache, Davis, Millard, Summit, Tooele, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • July 2022 - Box Elder, Carbon, Davis, Iron, Kane, Salt Lake, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • June 2022 - Beaver, Davis, Emery, Salt Lake, Tooele, Utah, Wasatch, Washington
  • May 2022 - Davis, Morgan, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • April 2022 - Davis, Salt Lake, Utah, Wasatch, Washington, Weber
  • March 2022 - Box Elder, Davis, Garfield, Iron, Kane, Uintah, Utah, Washington, Weber
  • February 2022 - Davis, Grand, Kane, Summit, Utah, Wasatch, Washington, Weber
  • January 2022 - Davis, Utah, Washington, Weber
Data Disclaimer

There are no constraints or warranties with regard to the use of this dataset. Users are encouraged to attribute content to: State of Utah, SGID.

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